Auf Wiedersehen

As a new chapter in our adventures begins, another has come to an end. The end of this chapter was painful, having to say goodbye to Lexy and Pebbles.

The German phrase, Auf Wiedersehen, roughly translates to: I hope to you see you again. This phrase is much better than “goodbye.” Goodbyes are hard, especially when the goodbye seems permanent.

Lexy was 16-years old, and Pebbles was 13-years old. Lexy’s hip dysplasia had been getting progressively worse, making it hard for her to walk, and even get up. Lexy also had a kidney condition, which added to her suffering. Pebbles was diagnosed with a heart condition before we left for the Bahamas — an enlarged heart. The medication we were able to get helped Pebbles get a few more months, but the periodic heart attacks and trouble breathing was too much. A vet came to our home and Lexy, and Pebbles passed together, peacefully, on March 28, 2020 at 10:30 AM.

Lexy was part of our family from day one, and Pebbles was right behind Lexy. They were our best friends in good times and during rough times.

Auf Wiedersehen Lexy and Pebbles.

Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.

Lexy never had any complaints about her crate, and she loved hanging out in there (even when we were home).
We had great time trying to take this Christmas picture. It was during our time in Montreal.
Lexy always reminded us of a lion. She had something very majestic about her — even when sitting in a swamp in Arkansas.
Pebbles was fearless as it gets unless shiny floors were involved! Oh, and she wasn’t the biggest fan of water activities.
Running was definitely one of Lexy’s favorite activities. She loved our time at the dried-out lakebed in California.
While Lexy was running around, Pebbles was usually exploring things, lots of sniffing and wondering.
Pebbles was NOT a fan of Coconut, but on rare occasions, Pebbles tolerated Coconut’s proximity.

One thing Coconut and Lexy both enjoyed was lounging in the sun.

Lexy was great dog-mother to Coconut, teaching Coconut how to groom herself when Lexy wasn’t trying to keep Coconut from harassing her.
Pebbles with a Christmas present, which we had to unwrap for her, or the toy would still be wrapped up.
One of the rare pictures where Pebbles was actually playing with toy. Usually, Lexy would snag the toy after Pebbles abandoned it.
Both Lexy and Pebbles loved the snow, but we’re sure Coconut wouldn’t take too kindly to snow.