10 Reasons We’re (almost) Ready To Sell Everything

Between selling our main vehicle and having a real estate agent over to check out the house, we’re slowly making our way toward our dream.

We’re hoping that the real estate meeting outlines how much we could potentially receive by selling our home and what,  if any, things need to be done before we sell our house… and everything in it.

Selling everything. Feels liberating just reading it, right? If it doesn’t, that’s probably the first sign that you’re not ready to even entertain the idea. But if you’ve read it, and like the way it feels, keep reading.

We remember when STUFF used to mean so much to us. My crafting supplies, Kevin’s woodworking garage, oodles of clothing, books, equipment… these things used to make us happy, but lately, we’ve felt tied down by it all.

Here are 10 reasons why we’re playing around with the idea of selling everything in the next year and living life on the road:

  1. Our jobs make it so that we don’t need to be in any one place to get work done
  2. We hate cleaning the house
  3. We spend every waking moment with each other now anyways
  4. There isn’t much holding us to this one location
  5. We despise taking care of the yard
  6. We love traveling
  7. We want to spend more money on things that matter to us (example, travel, good food) and less money on things that don’t matter to us (example, weed killer,
  8. We’re craving adventure and our lifestyle makes it so that this switch would be easy-ish
  9. Our house is WAY too big for us. If we’re going to move, it may as well be into an RV
  10. Our things are weighing us down. When we’re out traveling, it’s our house responsibilities that forces us to come home again

Equally as important is acknowledging the fears and concerns that are holding us back from moving forward. We’ve found that by facing our fears, and understanding where they’re at and what they’re protecting us from, we can make better decisions from a place of knowing.

The limiting beliefs and fears that are stopping us from moving forward:

  1. What if we sell everything and we hate it?
  2. Will not having our money in real estate harm us in the end?
  3. How will we make friends? We find everyone keeps to themselves… will it be a lonely life?
  4. How will we maintain relationships with the ones closest to us if we’re gone for so long?
  5. Will we miss our things?
  6. How would we maintain independence from one another?
  7. Will it result in feeling ungrounded all the time?
  8. How will we meet our healthcare needs: dentist, doctor, etc.
  9. Can we function off just one vehicle, not towing anything behind?
  10. Won’t it be a nightmare to constantly dump, fill up water, propane, etc?
  11. We can only stay in the USA for a total of 6 months rolling. How do we manage that while also getting to see what we want and not freezing to death in Canada? Will it be possible, or will it lead to frustration?
  12. Will we be able to record videos properly, meet with our team, record podcasts, and maintain status quo when it comes to running the business?
  13. Netflix. We can’t live without it.

What does selling everything mean to you? Let’s chat about it in the comments.

View Comments (11)

  • I LOVE this post!!! It's something that we've thought about over and over again. A couple things that may help you decide to go ahead and go for it..
    1. Make and keep your own medical history. Then you can bring it with you and use it with different doctors. It's basically what your own doctors do anyways and sometimes having different views can help you find creative solutions.
    2. If you personalize your RV then it will feel like a home and not like a temporary living situations. Plus you can make personal space for each of you when you need alone time.
    3. Something to consider would be to maybe do short term rentals for the months when you want to be in one place for a while. There are a lot of times when people need to have someone take over a lease for a few months because they are moving.

  • I love this idea! This is the goal for hubby and I. Good luck, and I'll be watching to see how you like it!

  • Ahhh, we started 2 years ago. We are not yet full time and haven't let out 'things' go - i.e. house, stuff filling the house. We love to explore and I do explorke occasionally. I've retired, but have another 18 mos. to work at my old job - if I want to continue. It's harder and harder to go back after a month or so out on our own. No, out 'things' don't make us happy, but travelling does. Best of luck - I'll be following with great interest!

  • Interesting blog post. We retired but much older than you Leanne; me from school nursing, my hubby from petroleum engineering. We sold our home in the city, bought acreage in the country side and built a house. You can keep a small condo or apt somewhere as base and still do your travels. Or a fancy double wide in a nice community and travel in your RV. We still entertain the idea of buying a small RV and traveling but still keep our home. You can do it for a while and change your mind later. Do it! Or lease out your home!

  • I think it's great! Do these things while you are young and have the energy!! You have plenty of time to settle down again later if you choose.

  • How exciting!! I love this idea and would try it out in a heartbeat! But my husband hates the idea...so there's that. I'm looking forward to following your adventure!

  • Just discovered you're doing this... could you leave some answers to the items listed that were making you question this lifestyle? (Since you did end up going ahead with it in really curious to see how you solved some of those problems)!

  • Hi guys, I am Soòooo jealous and excited for u!!! I sooo totally want to do that as I feel like a Gypsie at heart and cant stay at one place for to long and hate routine! I already sold everything and only valued items are my android phone and smal laptop. Mind you though I never had mich and only rented, so not much to sell. I always wanted to travel the world and see all the cultures and eat their food and also volunteer for all the great wild life and nature and ocean projects that are all over the world. I am currently looking for ways to be self employed to make my dreams and passion come true too and thay involves not working for others and being free to work from where ever I go to. My bf and I are considering buying a boat to live on as well. I'm almost sad to be 43 years old and never knowing abour the freedom there is and seeing so many kids nowadays from high school being digital nomads traveling all over while blogging - I feel I was born to soon and afraid I can't catch up as we are not getting any younger. So I say GO FOR IT!!!! U Will meet lots if friends easy as there are lots who think alike. U will find it tribe! It's certainly not for the ppl who luv to stay in their comfort zone and are happy with routine! I luv adventures and miss exploring. There is wayyy to much to see out there. U can live sooop affordable in sooo many places like Thailand and Philippines and all... u keep vlogging and doin what u do and it will cover ur living expenses. Also why would u even worry about freezing in Canada for the winter??? That's CLEARLY when u travel to warm places silly? Most ppl who sold everything did not regret it and say it was the best decision. And if u do regret it or miss "stuff" just buy it again. Easy peasy. But u will not miss it. And Netflix is accessible on ur phone and laptop so u should be set there to as long u got power/wifi. U can plan ur doc appt. In advance and luckily in good health u don't need to see them often. Doctors are everywhere too so u would find access as long u got travel health insurance or cash. Ur friends will stay in touch with skype/ facetime- like they are there in the flesh? The only true concern is how u guys will not get annoyed with each other in a confined space being together 24/7! But u seem a happy couple who have the same dreams so sure u figure that out. I'm sooo excited for u guys and just wanna come along! All ur concerns I read- I say nothing truly to worry bout. U got this! Happy travels. Csnt wait to see ur blogs reading in jealousy wishing i was there?????????????